
Author of “Losing My Religion: How I Lost My Faith Reporting on Religion in America — and Found Unexpected Peace”

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3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 mbecker8510 // Jan 12, 2009 at 1:36 am

    Hi sorry i havnt read your book but its a shame that you would give up on God because of what you have found here on earth. Where did God say that this would be a perfect world and that all of the people would be perfect. God gave us a world and let us do what we please. I pray that someday you write a book Found my faith again.

  • 2 Doubting Thomasina // Feb 23, 2009 at 1:02 am

    Dear Bill:

    I cannot thank you enough for writing “Losing My Religion”. I am a “cradle evangelical” who left church 25 years ago at the urging of my heart. I thought that because I had walked away, the influence of that religion would dissipate. I’ve come to realize, however, that the powerful beliefs of my childhood religion are still sitting there in my soul, like a Trojan horse. I have started to confront them and the violent, “loving” God I grew up with. I received your book yesterday afternoon and read it almost straight through. Your passion for your faith, your compassion for humanity, your honesty, and your struggles with your doubt (including the fear of hell) are all things I can relate to. Your very personal story is encouraging to many of us who can’t believe anymore, and don’t know where “next” is yet. Thank you.

    If you are interested, another incredible and riveting de-conversion story is “Leaving The Saints” by Martha Beck, whose father was one of the main apologists for the Mormon church.

  • 3 tonyspeed // Feb 26, 2009 at 1:54 am

    Unfortunately, that which triggered a loss in faith is exactly what the bible prophesied. In Matt 7 Jesus told his disciples that many would go off into destruction, and few would find everlasting life. In that same verse he reveals that oppressive wolves would sneak into the flock. Of shocking note is the fact that Jesus said many would come to him in the last day and claim to be his followers, even doing many great works and performing miracles in his name, and yet he would reject them as those who had been disobedient to his moral teachings. This great rebellion from true Christianity is a very central teaching of Christ. However, Christ said he would continue to be with true Christians until the end. He illustrates it clearly with the “wheat and the weeds” found at Matthew 13. So the very thing that broke your faith is the very thing Jesus foretold.


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