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Tags: Faith and Doubt
Check this out. Makes you wonder who else is out there.
P.S. I apologize for the lack of posts. I’ve started a new business, and I’m operating my wife’s business while she has been in Kenya for a month helping AIDS orphans and others. She has plenty of amazing stories, including how religion takes advantage of [...]
Tags: Faith and Doubt
This is a thought-provoking story about who should decide the time to die.
I always found it strange that we never questioned putting our pets “down” when we believed they were suffering too much. But for humans, we have a different standard.
Tags: Faith and Doubt
Nearly a year ago, I wrote about the 42 things I knew about the newspaper industry. Let’s see how much I really knew.
I made the right decision leaving the newspaper business. [Correct. I'm certain with the layoffs that have happened in the past year, I would have been one of those put on the street--with [...]
Tags: Faith and Doubt
Why is Christianity dead in Holland and still strong in the U.S.? Are the Dutch are or less advanced than Americans?
Tags: Faith and Doubt
Probably not. But if you’re a longtime fan of Saturday Night Live, this will be disturbing. Thanks to the Friendly Atheist.
Obama legally kills babies and now he can legally kill Grandmas!
Hitler did this. He killed the weak, the sick, the old, and babies and races/religions he didn’t like. Hitler also controlled the media. (Where’s the public [...]
Tags: Faith and Doubt
I’ve never understood expensive caskets. If you’re a believer, why put any money into a box that holds your earthly remains while you are in heaven? And if you’re a nonbeliever, why put any money into a box that holds your lifeless remains, which will eventually turn to dust?
Michael Jackson’s gold-plated casket cost a reported [...]
Tags: Faith and Doubt