
Author of “Losing My Religion: How I Lost My Faith Reporting on Religion in America — and Found Unexpected Peace”

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Scientologists … so HOT right now!

August 7th, 2009 · No Comments


From Gawker:

Want to work in one of Scientology’s fresh new “Ideal Org” churches? Then get ready to put on your 20-piece uniform, mandatory for all cult staff. Planetary humanity is not going to be perfected by slobs, after all.


The outfits were done by Richard Tyler, the Los Angeles-based designer to the stars and sometime Project Runway judge who fell on hard times in December 2005 after falling off a ladder at his South Pasadena home. They’d look at home in an Ian Shrager hotel, save perhaps for the capes. A tipster tells us all “Ideal Org” staff members must wear them; presumably this means the cult’s comical goons must finally give up their cheesy action-movie attire.

Tags: Faith and Doubt

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