You know how the night before a big test, you dream that you’ve shown up to class without studying — and likely without your pants on? I had a similar dream during a largely sleepless night before my first book signing Saturday — though I was wearing pants. I dreamed that no one showed up for it. It was just me and a row of empty chairs.
I shouldn’t have worried. More than 100 people showed up (Borders said it was its highest turnout in recent years for a So Cal book signing), and we sold out the entire inventory. Super exciting and humbling. We’re getting together a short video and pics. Stay tuned.
3 responses so far ↓
1 Barbara007 // Mar 2, 2009 at 9:59 am
I have read over 300 books in my life (I have a list - I am weird that way) and yours is in my top ten now. I just finished it. I can’t believe how closely your journey is to my own…I read your words and they were so familiar because I had thought the exact same thing SO MANY TIMES. I am at that peaceful place you wrote about in your last chapter. I know I will never go back and I am done grieving - I really did want it to be true.
One huge difference is that I have not come out and told many people yet because I work for a ministry. A very large one. I have been there for 18 years and they have no idea that I don’t believe. I feel a bit deceptive but I need the job! I am a single mom, its my only income. If I lose my job I will tell them, until then….I just keep to myself and do my work (which is tech work, not directly related to “saving souls”).
Anyhow sorry to take so much space I just LOVED the book so much! THANK YOU!
2 Jumper2.0 // Mar 3, 2009 at 9:19 am
I am glad that things are going so well for you. I too had a similar journey except mine ended with a return to faith. A much different faith, but definitely a Christian faith. (although some consider my pastor a heretic).
I hope that you aren’t offended if I wait til summer to buy and read your book. I have a few in line right now.
Any book signings in Minnesota?
3 deAne // Mar 3, 2009 at 10:46 am
So glad your book signing dream didn’t come true!
I’ve given some thought to your challenge to God, “why doesn’t He replace an amputated limb”? It isn’t so difficult to answer that one: God created the laws of physics. There are all manner of miracles that occur every day in lives of millions of believers. Really impossible things. But you want God to violate his own rules. “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah” (Jonah spent 3 days in the belly of whale, just like Jesus spent 3 days in the “belly” of the earth). In Scripture, many, many, many miracles were performed (like replacing Peter’s ear) and yet unbelievers still did not believe. How could the Pharisees watch him raise Lazarus from the dead and still plot to kill him? Ego, arrogance, refusal to step out in faith, you name it. There is enough revelation in Scripture, in nature (”For since the beginning of the world God’s invisible qualities..have been clearly seen” Rm 1:20), all around us. You have made a conscious choice based on nothing more than the evil around us, which you knew existed before you lost your faith. I’m praying for you.
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