
Author of “Losing My Religion: How I Lost My Faith Reporting on Religion in America — and Found Unexpected Peace”

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Charges reduced for Pastor Phil Aguilar

August 11th, 2008 · 22 Comments

The Orange County District Attorney’s Office last week filed felony charges of illegal weapons possession. Aguilar and six other members of the Set Free Soldiers biker gang had been arrested on suspicious of attempted murder for a double stabbing at a Newport Beach bar. Only one Set Free Soldier will face attempted murder charges.

Tags: Faith and Doubt

22 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Jay // Aug 11, 2008 at 7:23 am

    Set Free has done a lot of good things in So Cal. Many lives have been freed from drugs.

  • 2 Drew // Aug 11, 2008 at 8:27 pm

    That’s pretty typical, expecially when you consider that Aguilar probably has access to a quality defense team.

  • 3 Tom (Iron Pol) // Aug 11, 2008 at 11:43 pm

    Drew, it’s also pretty common for prosecutors to file the charges that:

    A. Are prosecutable
    B. Most appropriate

    It is quite common for initial charges to be leveled (by the arresting officers) and later adjusted based on the situation.

    Sometimes, that’s based on cost-benefit of pursuing a big ticket case. Sometimes it’s just about getting the right charges on the table.

  • 4 David and Dolores // Aug 12, 2008 at 2:46 am

    We were at the Dreamcenter when Pastor Phil was there.

    His annointing is definitely different than your churchy friends. He is called to reach and love those that most folks walk over to the other side of the street to avoid. think about it, Would you walk up to a biker gang looking, swastica-sporting, tattoed with’I AM the antichrist” and lead them to Jesus. NOPE - I didnt think so. He will and he does.
    Dont be too quick to critisize what you dont understand.
    this aweful event does not alter the count of souls he has brought in.
    David and Dolores

  • 5 Louise // Aug 12, 2008 at 3:17 am

    Some one will always be there to take the rap for this guy. He has not done the good some people think he has. Even the ones who claim he helped them. Don’t kid yourself. Your brainwashed. Even his own children are innocent objects of his charismatic control. He has profited off the vulnerable people he and his family claim to have helped. It is all about him. Believe me.

  • 6 Jeff Seymour // Aug 12, 2008 at 3:18 am

    Phil has always been a great friend of mine. He has always been there for me especially at my lowest times in my life. If you know Phil you know that he is totally against violence and is the last person on earth that would hurt someone. Unfortunately many people judge a book by the cover.
    Jeff Seymour

  • 7 JOE // Aug 12, 2008 at 11:47 am


  • 8 Daniel // Aug 22, 2008 at 2:18 am

    I think this whole think is sad and pathetic. My mother actually had this clown pastor phil write me while I was in prison. This guy is nothing but no good. If you look at his rap sheet and all of the allegations against him. Fraus, Child abuse and molestation and now attempted murder. If he is such a christian why is he associating at bars that hells angels hang out at? As well why would he organize his parish like an outlaw biker gang? He is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

  • 9 Daniel // Aug 22, 2008 at 2:23 am

    The other thing I forgot to mention, why would somebody carry illegal weapons if he did not intend to use them? Why would a preacher need to carry brass knuckles? The only people that are carrying weapons other than law enforcement is outlaws. I am waiting to see him talk his way out of this one.

  • 10 Vallerie Byers // Aug 25, 2008 at 12:03 pm

    I used to go there with my boys. I thought it was great to ’share the gospel’ with the downtrodden. Of course. My old church which is where my husband and I attend now, was actually praying my boys and I out of Set Free. The abused children’s home I was working for was getting calls from the kids and teens in the home as well. I agree, a pastor has an obligation to set an example to his charges. He is responsible to God for them. Why does he think he can go to a bar (with his SON????), carry weapons, store weapons (and more than what was mentioned above were found in the home, as well as coke)???? He can talk his way out of anything. I pray that God not allow any more hurt from this man. He should repent publicly. He is giving Christians a bad rap. Once I asked him why the clothing store the church ran had shirts and hats with marijuana leaves screened on them. He answered, “because that draws the people in that really need to know the gospel.” HA. Where’s the honesty and love in that? I told him he is telling the wrong person that. I used to have a problem with marijuana. That is so twisted. That is like telling an addict God doesn’t care if you abuse yourself. God gave his son to die for us to set us free from all bondage and to give us eternal life. He doesn’t need us to play games to win people to Him. He needs us to be real and honest and transparent.

  • 11 glenn // Sep 3, 2008 at 10:08 pm

    Only God knows whats in his heart,so don’t be to quick to judge……If he has done wrong God will correct him,and if he is innocent God will bless him..Simple as that……..We all answer to Christ.

  • 12 Bryan // Sep 9, 2008 at 12:31 am

    I personally know Pastor Phil and I used to be a member of his other motorcycle ministry called the Servants for Christ, I quit when they all became Set Free Soldiers. Not because I had anything against the Soldiers, just because it wasn’t my thing. Anyway, I can say from experience that I have seen peoples lives transformed at Set Free Ministries. I have seen homeless people become productive members of society, I have seen people that have addicted to drugs and alcohol their entire lives give it all up and become Christian. I have seen families restored. Set Free Ministries is a legitimate church and Pastor Phil is a legitimate Pastor. He gives all the glory to God, which is appropriate since it is the love of God and salvation through Jesus Christ that is actually changing lives. It is said at Set Free that we go where the pizza man won’t go, and that is true! I don’t know what Pastor Phil was doing in a bar, but it might have to do with his Christian outreach, reaching out to the people that need it the most, like at bars or in the streets, is what Set Free is all about. The news and the Police said a lot of untrue stuff about Pastor Phil and the ministry, I was amazed at the lies that were told to sell a story. Anyway, glory to God and my prayers are with Pastor Phil and his family.

  • 13 T // Sep 11, 2008 at 7:17 am

    Daniel, Brass knuckles? Please, you have no idea what they found in his possession? You have no clue what you are talking about. Facts are what you don’t have. When you have a clue, then write. Otherwise you are just sitting on your seat of judgment and your sins are counted just like any other murder, pedophile, gossip or liar.

  • 14 Daniel // Sep 19, 2008 at 1:09 am

    T- If you would take the time to look at all of the facts and history on Phil Aguilar you might have a subjective opinion. Yes he probably has helped a few people out along the way, ultimately he has done more harm than good. Take the time to look at his background and whether or not he has credentials to be a pastor. It is what it is.

  • 15 Rosemarie // Sep 26, 2008 at 4:19 am

    Phil Aguilar and Set Free are God’s People! I have experienced the Love of God in them and their works.

  • 16 T // Sep 27, 2008 at 4:36 am

    Daniel, He does have the credentials. I have looked at the facts and history and I do have a subjective opinion. I like how you use the word probably. He has helped a lot of people. So, you are the judge and jury? Thanks for doing our Father’s job. That’s what it is.

  • 17 Daniel // Sep 28, 2008 at 1:56 am

    Here is a interesting article that concretes everything I have said. Maybe it will shed some light on Phils occult.


  • 18 Daniel // Oct 5, 2008 at 11:22 am

    T- If phil Aguilar has his credentials where did go to seminary school and what degree does he hold? I do not claim to be the judge and the jury but I do believe he is a wolf in sheeps clothing misleading people and not going by the word of god. Yes I have me pastor phil, yes I have been to his services in anaheim. It was extremely bizarre and strange to be quite honest.

  • 19 soundmaker // Oct 10, 2008 at 9:14 pm

    There are many biker ministries out there. That is good providing they are bringing the Good Word.

    Does that mean they cannot defend themselves should they be forced into it? Or should they turn the cheek to the point they loose their life? I hope it was self defense.

    That said, all the comments I have read bring me to a thought that I would like to discuss. I.E. “Moral Equivalency”.

    I seem to hear more often comments that generally say we are all sinners and therefore must not judge and that it is Gods prerogative only or something to that effect.

    Sin may be sin but justice does not see every sin that is worthy of punishment as all the same hence different sentencing guidelines for different crimes.

    Some Christians put everyone in the same boat but is that a lucid way of seeing things? I do not believe God wants me to be gullible. There are better people than me out there and that is ok.

    I want to be inclusive in my christianity but does that include the not ready who will continue to sell drugs and kill and are looking for ministries to give them a legitimate front . This is not about Phil but maybe opposing teams.

    Judging without prejudice is ok too?

    Noah did not live 900 of our years or was it someone else?

    It certainly takes a lot of guts to minister in dangerous areas especially like Africa and other countries.

    I digress.

  • 20 sister in christ // Oct 29, 2008 at 8:33 pm

    only God can Judge!!!!
    If you ask God to forgive you of your sins He will. If He forgives us of our sins then who are you to slander those who have a past. Christ came for those who are lost (Which means those who have a past and we all have one) So before any one starts judging they better look at their own past. Those who are not guilty of a sin let them cast the first stone. if you have sinned(which EVERYBODY does) why dont you spend you time asking God to forgive you instead of wasting your time Being a slanderwhore aganist your brothers in Christ. Remember Jesus died for all!!!

  • 21 T J // Nov 11, 2008 at 8:35 am

    My husband is a Pastor at Set Free San Diego, so unfortunately I have the unremarkable distinction of knowing this narcissistic creature personally. I am for us changing our name, I blush to tell anyone what the name of the Ministry that my husband works for primarily because of its association with this man, and his distinction as it’s founder.
    Whoever wrote that it’s “all about him” was entirely correct, it’s true that he was the vehicle used to bring many to Christ, but in using down and out people as his personally indentured slaves, to his astonishing behavior, he is causing more harm than good.

  • 22 Daniel // Nov 23, 2008 at 11:51 pm

    Soundmaker-Just because somebody is preaching the good word does not mean that they are of the word “Christian”. There is allot more to being christian than just preaching. One would have to look at how Phil lives his life. I think his tatoos are direct reflection of who he is and what he represents. I have a few tatoos myself, I am not proud of them because they are a symbol of who I once was. Also the meaning of the Tatoos will tell you allot about him. If he was my father and trying to live out his second childhood like he is doing, I would be ashamed.

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